Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Resolution

Hello Everyone.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has made a new years resolution and hopefully this year I will actually stick with it.  Both my fiance and I have decided that we are done eating all of the processed food and feeling like crap all the time.  We are working on making a lifestyle change of only eating healthy, natural things.  At first I thought that this diet was going to leave me limited and deprived of the foods that I love such as cheese; I'm from Wisconsin, what can I say!  After eating fruits, vegetables, and a few organic products like salsa for a whole week I feel great.  I have so much more energy and I never feel bloated like I used to after eating.  Hopefully this summer we will have a garden so that we can save some money on groceries.  I'm really excited about finally put effort into becoming healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Heather,

    I enjoyed reading your post! I would love for my family to cut down on eating processed foods as well. We have such crazy schedules that sometimes we eat on the go, and that is not always what is best! I just wanted to share a website with you about a local lady that tried to do this with her family for 100 days, and I believe they have gone beyond that: Hope this helps inspire you :-) Have a great week!!!

    Gale Pressley
