Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Scary Morning

First let me start out by saying that our house is located off of a road that if a car is driving in either direction they would only have a split second to stop if you were crossing the street.  The speed limit is 30 mph which doesn't seem so fast but when you have no reaction time that is an incredibly fast speed.  Okay, so I was leaving this morning to go to my mom's house so she could watch my boys while I get my morning jog in.  I left the house the same as I always do, carrying my 1 year old son while my 2 year old son walks on his own.  I'm not sure what possessed him to bolt away from me since he's never done it before, but within a split second he was running for the road.  I immediately stopped what I was doing to run after him, but with the driveway being a sheet of ice I just couldn't get to him quick enough.  As I was running closer to him and the road, I spotted a white trailblazer that was not slowing down and heading towards my son.  I screamed as loud as I could to STOP and started flailing my arms like a crazy person.  Thankfully the cable company dug out part of our gravel driveway where it meets the road because my son's toe caught the lip and he tripped and fell.  If he wouldn't have tripped he would've definitely got hit.  God was definitely watching over my son today!  I will never trust my son in my front yard or driveway again without holding his hand.  My life would be nothing if I ever lost him.


  1. Oh Heather! What a close call! Definitely, your guardian angels were working overtime. I knew a woman once (a colleague at a university) who witnessed her toddler daughter being hit and killed by a car on a country road. She became a tyrant, forgiving no one for any element of error or wrong judgment. Once I knew about her tragedy I knew she could not help herself. I cannot imagine a worse tragedy than witnessing your child's death and feeling the what ifs for the rest of your life.
    Bless you. I am so happy for your blessings. Just reading your story makes me cry out!

  2. Oh Heather, I forgot to mention as a mother of five, I have experienced dozens of close calls of different types . . . nothing compares to a mother's concerns and anxieties and 24/7 security duties!
