Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Few Things I've Learned On The Way...

Well, another Christmas has come and gone, and as the new year approaches I can't help but think back at how much my life has changed in the past three years.  I have had two beautiful children, got engaged to the most wonderful man I could imagine, finally started my college education, and moved into a house that I can call my own.  If someone would've told me three years ago that I would be in this situation today I would've laughed and told them they were crazy.  It's funny how life surprises you, and what a positive attitude and some hard work can bring to your life.  We received some pretty bad news a couple of days ago and all I can think about is how lucky I am to have my family and people in my life that care, and how no moment should be taken for granted.  It seems like so many people have things handed to them in their life and don't understand what they have until it's gone.  I'm not talking about materialistic things either cause let's just face it, a person can buy whatever they want but it's not going to bring them happiness.  What I'm referring to is healthy children, a family that loves you, things that can't be bought.  People that are in your life because they want to be, not because they have to be.  And what I've learned throughout this whole healing process is that life doesn't stop because you are having a bad moment, so neither should you.  It is okay to be sad but don't dwell on the things that you can't change, and most importantly, take the negativity in your life and put it to positive use by being thankful for what you have and realizing that at any moment it could be taken away from you.  Cherish every moment and never live with regret.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Welcome to My Blog

Hello Everyone and welcome to my blog!  This is the first time that I have ever blogged and to be honest with I have no clue what they are all about.  I guess I will just be writing about whatever comes to my mind and hopefully some of you will find it interesting and come back for more.