Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Scary Morning

First let me start out by saying that our house is located off of a road that if a car is driving in either direction they would only have a split second to stop if you were crossing the street.  The speed limit is 30 mph which doesn't seem so fast but when you have no reaction time that is an incredibly fast speed.  Okay, so I was leaving this morning to go to my mom's house so she could watch my boys while I get my morning jog in.  I left the house the same as I always do, carrying my 1 year old son while my 2 year old son walks on his own.  I'm not sure what possessed him to bolt away from me since he's never done it before, but within a split second he was running for the road.  I immediately stopped what I was doing to run after him, but with the driveway being a sheet of ice I just couldn't get to him quick enough.  As I was running closer to him and the road, I spotted a white trailblazer that was not slowing down and heading towards my son.  I screamed as loud as I could to STOP and started flailing my arms like a crazy person.  Thankfully the cable company dug out part of our gravel driveway where it meets the road because my son's toe caught the lip and he tripped and fell.  If he wouldn't have tripped he would've definitely got hit.  God was definitely watching over my son today!  I will never trust my son in my front yard or driveway again without holding his hand.  My life would be nothing if I ever lost him.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The End is Near

Well...I can't believe that this term is almost over.  The time has flown by and I feel like I've gained so much knowledge with writing papers.  I can't say that I'm the best writer but I do have a better understanding of the writing process.  I have also enjoyed blogging.  At first I thought that blogging was going to be a waste of time but after writing my first few blogs I realized that it is a good way to vent in a positive way.  Blogging is an excellent way to clear your mind and gather all of your thoughts.  I would love to incorporate some sort of writing into my future lifestyle when it comes to clearing my mind.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Things Thrown Your Way

This week has been absolutely crazy!  On Sunday I took my son to urgent care for a ridiculously high fever and cough.  It turned out that he had RSV.  To help treat this condition we needed to get a nebulizer and since the insurance companies are closed on weekends we had to pay for it out of pocket.  This was almost impossible, but we made it happen.  The next day I took him to his pediatrician for a follow-up appointment where he was also diagnosed with pneumonia.  So, two antibiotics later he is slowly starting to feel better.  I hate it when they are sick, especially when it is an illness that makes breathing more difficult.  My son is two years old, so communication is still not the easiest thing.  To top it all off we had a really bad snow storm and now have four foot of snow in our front yard.  My fiance went out plowing from 2am-6pm yesterday and today has been out since midnight.  I don't plan on him coming home until way later this evening.  The snow was so bad that the national guard was called to rescue people from their vehicles and we had reports of ten foot and higher drifts.  We haven't had a snow storm like this in over ten years.  A positive side to all this negativity is that my son is feeling better and I will soon be able to take him out to enjoy the snow that we just got.  I love how all of life's negativity that is thrown your way always has a positive outcome.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My View on Peer Reviews

Hello Everyone.  Well, I don't know about you but I absolutely love getting peer reviews!  What I like the most about them is that everyone has their own opinions and something that I think I may have done a really good job on, someone else might get confused by or think that I need to put a little more work into making it sound better.  My first encounter with peer reviews was not that great and that was because I was too sensitive about the negative feedback I was receiving.  Once I realized that my peers were trying to be helpful and not criticize me I really learned to appreciate feedback.  Now, the more feedback I receive the better.  I really enjoy trying to incorporate other people's ideas into what I've written.  To me, it makes your paper better because it now includes someone else's views/ideas and not just your own.  After all, everyone needs help once in awhile. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well... if you guys couldn't tell by the title I have been feeling really stressed out lately.  With school, bills, work, and my kids driving me crazy it seems that I have had no time for myself.  I think school has been the toughest thing for me to deal with recently.  It seems like this term I am lacking motivation and I'm not as focused as I have been.  I've been procrastinating a lot which doesn't fit my personality at all and I don't know how to fix it.  Any suggestions?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Small Town, Big Problems

Hello Everyone.  I come from a small town in Wisconsin where everybody knows everybody else's business.  Since graduating high school, which was 6 years ago, I only keep in contact with one person and to be honest with you she's the only person that I would want to keep in contact with.  It seems like everyone I used to know has slowly been sucked into this drug induced existence that I want nothing to do with.  I guess the reason why the whole drug problem has me thinking lately is because just recently there was a young girl who overdosed on heroin in the area where I live.  From just looking at her you would think that she totally had it together.  She just graduated from college with a bachelors degree and then decided that she wanted to go back to further her education.  To put it simply she just didn't seem to fit the profile of a drug addict.  What really gets me is that people that were close to her, who share the same addiction, saw how this drug took her life and they still won't quit.  It's disgusting how a substance can control your life like that.  This drug is everywhere and within the last 6 months there have been several overdoses in all of the surrounding towns of where I live.  It really makes me want to move because I don't see this problem getting any better by the time my kids get older.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Resolution

Hello Everyone.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has made a new years resolution and hopefully this year I will actually stick with it.  Both my fiance and I have decided that we are done eating all of the processed food and feeling like crap all the time.  We are working on making a lifestyle change of only eating healthy, natural things.  At first I thought that this diet was going to leave me limited and deprived of the foods that I love such as cheese; I'm from Wisconsin, what can I say!  After eating fruits, vegetables, and a few organic products like salsa for a whole week I feel great.  I have so much more energy and I never feel bloated like I used to after eating.  Hopefully this summer we will have a garden so that we can save some money on groceries.  I'm really excited about finally put effort into becoming healthy!